Depression test
Depression test के बारे में
आप एक परीक्षा पास और आपके पास अवसाद के झुकाव का स्तर क्या परिभाषित कर सकते हैं
Depression is a mental disorder characterized by drop of mood and loss of ability to feel joy. A low self-appraisal, loss of interest in the life and habitual activity are also symptoms of depression.
Anyone can have troubles and exactly at these moments a person can fall in a depressed mood. You can pass a psychological test and define what level of inclination to depression you have. It should be noted that symptoms and signs of maniac depression (bipolar affective disorder) somewhat differ, therefore it cannot be considered in the context of this test.
Our psychological test contains 20 simple questions, for example, “Do you often get into a situation when you feel like quitting everything?” In order to get a true result you should try and answer honestly. We cannot guarantee precision, so please contact a specialist to receive a more precise result.
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