क्षितिज निषिद्ध पश्चिम ट्रॉफी गाइड और टिप्स
Welcome to the Horizon Forbidden West Trophy Guide! This is a fun and quick platinum that only requires ~50% game completion. You will have to beat the main story, most of the open world activities, find 1 of each type of collectible (not all of them), and play a few specific side quests tied to trophies (not all side quests). You must also scan and kill one of every type of machine (only one variant per machine needed). The only potential missable is scanning the machines Specter and Specter Prime (final story boss) because they are quest-related and don’t have open world spawns, and quests cannot be replayed. Other than that everything is still doable after the story in free-roam. All other machines have open world spawns and you can still do all side activities and side quests after the story. You also get a flying mount at the end of the story, which makes it easy to reach any place quickly. Feel free to do as many or as few side tasks as you like while playing through the game, enjoy it any way you want. If you focus on strictly what is mandatory for trophies you can platinum it in about 30 hours on story difficulty. It can take an extra 10-20 hours longer if playing on higher difficulties or when doing more side tasks than needed.