ग्रीन हाउस पौधों आवश्यक पोषण प्रदान करने के लिए एक स्मार्ट प्रौद्योगिकी
Android application which will closely monitor and control the micro climatic parameters of a greenhouse on a regular basis round the clock for cultivation of crops or specific plant species which could maximize their production over the whole crop growth season and to eliminate the difficulties involved in the system by reducing human intervention to the best possible extent. When any of the above mentioned climatic parameters cross a safety threshold which has to be maintained to protect the crops, the sensors sense the change and the controller reads this from the data at its input ports in admin panel. The micro controller then performs the needed actions by employing relays until the strayed-out parameter has been brought back to its optimum level. Since a micro controller is used as the heart of the system, it makes the set-up low-cost and effective nevertheless. As the system also employs an display for continuously alerting the user about the condition inside the greenhouse, the entire set-up becomes user friendly. Thus, this system eliminates the drawbacks of the existing set-ups mentioned in the previous section and is designed as an easy to maintain, flexible and low cost solution.