Sep 21, 2015 को अपडेट किया गया
* Over the air downloading of audios. Click the orange icon against the Stotra to initiate the downloading of audios.
* Thought of the day - Begin your day by Munishri Kshamasagarji & Bhagwan Mahavir quotes, to enrich your motivation & have a positive approach for the day.
* Various stotras added:
- Shanti Paath, Manglashtak, Samadhi Bhavna, Vairagya Bhavna, Samayik Paath
- Mahaveerashtak Stotra, Tatvarth Stotra, Ekibhav Stotra, Adhyashtak Stotra
- Nirvana Kaand
- Various Chalisa
- Chahdaala