यह मोबाइल ऐप कई सामान्य फुफ्फुसीय रोगों की जांच करने में मदद करता है।
This app uses a machine learning algorithm to calculate the relative probability of having certain common pulmonary diseases. The current version of the app can be used to screen for Asthma, COPD, Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD), Allergic Rhinitis, and Respiratory infection. The app was developed as part of a large clinical study, funded by National Institutes of Health, the Tata Trust, and the Vodafone Americas Foundation. This algorithm was originally developed for use in India and was trained using data from over 500 pulmonary patients. NOTE: this app only checks for pulmonary disease and does not provide any information about any other health condition that you may have, such as cardiovascular disease. This app is for informational purposes only and is a screening tool, not a diagnostic tool. It is NOT a replacement for a doctor or a laboratory diagnostic test.