Arsenal Tyre Sensor App TPMS per sistema di monitoraggio della pressione dei pneumatici (TPMS)
Arsenal Tire Sensor App is a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) designed for companies with fleets of cars/pickups, commercial trucks and/or off the road equipment that wants to save tires, want their tires to last longer and save on fuel with better mileage by having the correct pressure and temperature of their tires. The Arsenal Tire Sensor App allow companies to collect and monitor the tire pressure and temperature of all the tires of all the vehicles in real time. The App collects through the receiver the information from all the tires and up to 3 additional connected pieces of equipment like a tandem or trailer+dolly+trailer. The App uploads, with minimum data usage per month (7Mb approx = 2 songs), the tire information and geolocation to Arsenal Platform for monitoring and analysis. If the pressure or temperate are off custom-defined limits, it will trigger a visual and audio alarm showing which tire position has the problem, an email is sent to dispatch for support and the web-based Arsenal Platform at dispatch will trigger an alarm.