La Competition Academy è uno dei principali istituti accademici di Chhattisgarh.
Competition Academy is One of the Chhattisgarh’s leading academic institutions offering an exclusive educational friendly environment that prepares the next generation to lead make a difference in this competitive world. We are a family of honest and true students, faculty and professional dedicated to serve the eager mind to get success.Competition Academy has been a synonym of Success in education and coaching field. We are known specially for CG PSC (Pre & Mains), CG VYAPAM with a strong experienced pool of faculties, The Academy is committed to provide quality education and guidline for CGPSC aspirants. And making them successful in different Competitive & Entrance exams preparation such as CGPSC(Pre & Mains), CG VYAPAM, CG SI In Bilaspur with classroom programs, study material, test series, Competition Academy Conducts weekly test quizs session and group discussion, which is very useful to all over development of students. Through out the academic session, Competition Academy maintains its best quality and standard of teaching to become a leader amongst the other institutions in Chhattisgarh. We provide students a world class learning experience focused on making a successful career education through different learning approach, examples and facts.