L'app Message Quiz è per i giovani che credono nel messaggio dell'ora.
The Message Youth Quiz app is meant for the youth who believe in the teachings of Brother William Branham. It is meant to encourage the youth to play tapes and read Spoken Words through providing quiz questions extracted from Spoken Words. Those who read Spoken Words and play tapes often will most likely excel in the quizzes. Then those who do not, will find the quiz challenging. Some of the questions also are Biblical so you will need to be a Bible reader to get them right. It is encouraged to attempt the quiz questions after reading some Spoken Word books or playing tapes. After attempting the quiz, you will be able to view the answers together with the quote references. It is important to note that the references extracted from the Spoken Word books are not exhaustive. Other similar references may be in other Spoken Word books not referenced. May you be blessed as you use the app.Your brother in Christ.