Correzione della risposta ai compiti di matematica per la classe 1-5. Risparmio di tempo e alta efficienza.
Take one photo to check all math homework answer correct or wrong in a high-efficiency. HOW TO USE? After finishing kids’ math homework, you can click to take photos to check the answers. DESIGNED FOR WHOM? - Helpful and time-saving for parents and math teachers in homework checking tasks. - Provide free analysis for incorrect answers which would be very helpful for parents -to solve questions. - Support many mathematics question types of Class1-5. MAIN FEATURES - Time-saving for parents and math teachers to check answers - Free analysis for incorrect answers to solve students problems - Automatically check history collection for you SUPPORTED QUESTION TYPE EXAMPLES (Class1-5) All the following question types were supported to be checked correctly or not: - Four basic mixed arithmetic such as: 3 × 12 + 5 = - Four basic mixed arithmetic with question serial numbers such as: ① 50 ÷ 2 + 89 = - Fill in the numbers in the equation based on the given calculation results such as: ( ) + 39 = 80 - Fill in operation sign such as: 9 + 8 〇 19 - Division with remainder, such as: 52 ÷ 10 = 5···2 - Stripping arithmetic such as: 30÷15+48 =2+48 =50 - Estimation 347+451≈800 Besides, fractional arithmetic. vertical arithmetic and so on are also supported in our app. Contact email: Oda team will try our best to offer excellent online education services for you. If you need any help or have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Email. Thank you!