SHHS school & CISCE Junior college, Changanassery è stata fondata nell'anno 1964.
Sacred Heart Higher Secondary school & CISCE Junior college, Changanassery was founded in the year 1964. The infinite Grace of God Almighty has steered this institution to peaks of excellence. A pioneer among the English Medium schools of Kerala, the school began its stride under the patronage of the saintly prelate Mar Mathew Kavukattu. The school is reputed to be one of the best centres in Kerala for English education. S H school with Hi-tech facilities is designed to refine the sensibilities of the students and make them humane with values like love compassion, tolerance, self-reliance, maturity clarity of thought, proficiency, excellence and mutual acceptance. Built a luxurious and spacious ambience S H fosters the holistic development of the child: Spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical.