この3D Text Write and Shareについて
3D Text write, then save into library or share in google+, whatsapp, gmail, messenger, drive, instagram, bluetooth, hangouts,wi-fi direct or other sosial sites.
You can change the following settings:
Font color-1: The color of the text of the first layer.
Font color-2: The color of the text of the second layer.
Font size: Size of text.
Bacground color: The background color of the text.
Add multi image: Add image from library.
Rotate: Rotate image 90 degrees.
Save: Save text with image or no image to library.
Share: Share text or text with image in google+, whatsapp, gmail, messenger, drive, instagram, bluetooth, hangouts,wi-fi direct or other sosial sites.
Write into white place, then close the keyboard or press 'Enter'. It will be written below as 3D text. Then save or share in sosial sites