このAD-II V2について
The new version 2 of our classic AD-II
With the loss of support for our classic AD-II We decided to upgrade and release a new V2 Which will now surpass the classic Version which is still available but support is discontinued on, The new version sports a brand new look, Brand new one touch recorder which saves to .mp3 automatically on local storage, With good compression/to quality rate for optimized space saving. without a huge degree with loss of quality, Also features a brand new sweep engine which automatically detects system performance so it can differentiate a stable fastest sweep setting which can be as fast as 0.1 ms With our new Audio blur technology.
In addition to this we put in a new repeater mode button which each time is pressed it adds a new sweep layer which can be as many as 5 simultaneous sweeping layers which increases the random vocal frequency's by playing up to 5 continuous points of the sweep band at once per set speed, To reset to default just toggle off then on power.
New HUD Display added for extra information about current settings at a glance.
Brand new online radio banks, 50% English 50% random languages Connects to a new random 10 stations per toggling on and off power, Approximately 100 station capacity on reserve, No 2 online sessions will ever be the same.
See images for layout diagram and functions.