このAdhan Offline mp3について
Know that at any time, thousands of Bilal in equitable world will call to prayer, starting with Indonesia which is located on the east. When it is time for Fajr, Adhan starts to come out of this region with thousands of Bilal who will sing the majesty of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, and invites people to victory with a prayer.
This process will move towards the western islands of Indonesia. Time difference between eastern and western Indonesia is 1-1 / 2 hours. Not to any uneven rebound in Indonesia Adhan is completed, then it will start anyway in Malaysia. Next in Burma and within one hour after the Adhan recited in Jakarta, comes the turn of Dakka in Bangladesh. Next chant will be heard in Calcutta and continued to Srinagar in western India.
The time difference in the cities of Pakistan is 40 minutes so within this period, Adhan will reverberate throughout Pakistan ... yet ended up in Pakistan, Adhan will start also in Afghanistan and Muscat. The time difference between Muscat and Baghdad is one hour. Within this period, Adhan going quest sung in United Arab Emirates, Makkah, Madinah, Yemen, Kuwait and Iraq.
This process continues every second so to the east coast of the Atlantic. The distance between the Adhan start sung in Indonesia so to the east coast of the Atlantic is 9-1 / 2 hours. Belumpun Azdan Dawn reverberate on the East coast of the Atlantic, Adhan Noon now already sung in Indonesia. This continues for each prayer time, not dotted.
Even if each department may install magnifying the sound (the power runs out!), Will bergegar the world with a rebound Adhan that is not dotted. Allah is the Greatest!
Adab when he heard the Adhan
a. answering Adzan
It is recommended to everyone who hears the call to prayer, to follow what the muezzin, the Messenger of Allah said: "If you hear the call to prayer, then say what was said by the muezzin" (Bukhari No. 611, narrated from Abu Said ra), except when the muezzin say Hayya 'ala as-Salah and Hayya' alal-Falah, then the answer is to say La haula wala quwwata illa billah. It was narrated that the Messenger of Allah when he heard the muezzin's call to prayer he uttered like what he said, so that when the muezzin saying Hayya 'ala as-Salah and Hayya' alal-Falah he read La haula wala quwatta illa billah (Bukhari No. 613, narrated from Muawiyah ra ).
The answer to Ash-shalatu Khairun Minan-Naum during the dawn call to prayer, then the answer is like that, too, because the Prophet said: "If you listen to the muezzin uttered 'Ash-shalatu Khairun Minan-Naum', then say what he had said" ( Musnad Imam Ahmad, 3/348)