このAdvanced (CAE) Listeningについて
About the CAE Listening test
The Certificate in Advanced English is also known as Advanced (CAE).
The Listening paper contains four parts.
Timing: 40 minutes
No of Questions: 30
Task Types: Multiple-choice, sentence completion, multiple matching.
Part 1: Three short extracts from exchanges between interacting speakers with two multiple-choice questions on each extract.
Part 2: A monologue lasting approximately 3 minutes. Candidates are required to complete the sentences with information heard on the recording.
Part 3: A conversation between two or more speakers of approximately 4 minutes. There are six multiple-choice questions, each with four options.
Part 4: Five short themed monologues, of approximately 30 seconds each. Each multiple-matching task requires selection of the correct options from a list of eight.
Marks: Each correct answer receives 1 mark. .
Produced by Exam English Ltd in association with Ayr Digital.
Questions written by Naomi Styles (EFL Writer)
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