このAHIP AHM-540 Exam Prepについて
エクセルあなたの最初の試みでAHIP AHM-540医学的管理試験!
Excel the AHIP AHM-540 Medical Management exam on your first try with Quiztronic Exam Prep Series!
Study and practice for the exam with flashcards. Then attempt 'Practice Mode' with no time limit and detailed answer review to gain confidence. Finally, pit yourself against the 'Mock Exam' to prepare yourself for the actual examination!
Get Started Free:
We believe that education should be accessible to all, which is why this exam prep is available free. In addition, all questions on the flashcard mode are unlocked for you.
- Flash card mode with all questions unlocked
- Practice mode with 25 questions
- Mock exam mode with 25 questions
- Ads are enabled for all quiz
- Performance review at end of quiz
- Over-the-air update for question bank
Unlock the Full Features:
In addition to the basic features, purchase of the full feature of the app allows you to gain access to:
- 180+ practice questions
- Practice Mode with all questions unlocked
- Mock Exams with all questions unlocked
- Ads-free learning experience
Content Tested:
- The role of medical management in a health plan
- How and why a delegation is used in medical management
- The role of medical management in providing pharmacy services
- The importance of preventive care and self-care programs
- Strategies for managing complex individual cases
- Disease management—its purpose, processes, and programs
- How medical management is used in different types of care
- Quality management methods—measurement and improvement
- How medical management is used to deliver Medicare and Medicaid services
About Quiztronic:
Quiztronic is your top choice for mobile learning and exam preparation tool. Quiztronic Exam Prep series allows you to study for your exams on-the-go at your own pace.