このAMC Reimbursement Portalについて
Reimbursement Portal is one place where all the employees of the company can manage their day to day company related expenses.
It is easy and simple to use. The portal is divided into 4 categories:
1. User – By logging into this section with their credentials the user can add their new expenses by filling out the required fields set as per the company standards. The user can add their expenses by two methods:
• If single expense request is to be added, then the user will click on the Add Expense button.
• If there are multiple expenses to be added, then the user can select the Bulk Add button
There are 3 categories in the Add Expense section i.e. Travel, Logistics & Consumable.
The user can also check their request status by clicking on the option Approved, Unapproved, Rejected.
User can also update their Profile Picture, change password of their account from the Profile Section.
2. Reporting Manager – In this section the allotted Reporting Manager of the company can log into the portal with their credentials.
The manager will then be able to see the request submitted by the user from the Inbox Section. The manager has the option to edit the request for any correction & also delete the request.
The manager also has the option to Approve, Unapproved & Reject the requests.
The manager can also add his company expenses from the given option to Add Expense.
3. Admin – In this section Admin will be able to see all the requested Expense list and also the status of the expenses.
Admin also has the right to approve the request & delete it. There is also a function in Admin section to add the users of the portal & assign their respective reporting managers.
The admin can also export the records in Excel, PDF, CSV or Print.
4. Finance – In this section the Finance/Account person will be able to see the status of requested expenses & initiate the payment after the approval from admin.
This portal is an all in one solution to manage the record of Company day to day expenses.