このAPK Analyzerについて
Android用APKアナライザ - 高度なAPKビューア(classes.dex、resources.arsc)
Quickly view the final versions of files in the APK, such as the AndroidManifest.xml, resources.arsc, classes.dex file. Understand the composition of DEX and SO files.
Android binary xml viewer (Decode AndroidManifest.xml, layout, etc)
Android binary resources viewer (Resources.arsc)
classes.dex file viewer (Show all methods or fields)
.so C/C++ Native libs viewer (Show dependencies, dynamic symbols, architecture)
APK Signature Info (SHA1 signature, Datetime, Common name, Organization, Country name, State)
APK Permission Viewer
APK file MD5,
APK file path,
Package name
Installer name
Version name,
Version code,
First install time,
Last update time,
Min API Level, Target API Level.
PLEASE NOTE: Android and the Android robot logo, trademark and trade dress are registered trademarks owned by Google Inc. and are used under license.
KEYWORDS: APK Analyzer, APK Decompiler, APK Disassembler, APK Editor
最新バージョン 1.2.0 の更新情報
Added: Copy source code to clipboard.
Added: Share source code.