このAR Alphabets - ARMarkerについて
拡張現実感でアルファベットを学ぶ - マーカーが必要
Note - This app requires a printed marker. Please download only if you can print the marker from the url below:
Every child in the world has one thing to learn, the ABC's. With the advent of new technology, the days of showing images on books are gone. With the AR Alphabet app, let your child not only learn the alphabet, but to experience it, in Augmented Reality.
Note: The App is still in beta and this version is built for devices which have good camera and RAM (mostly recent phones). Unfortunately, this is an app that is based on Augmented Reality which many phones still do not support. We apologise in advance if this version does not work on your mobile.
Reach out to us via email with your queries or issues, we will surely try to accomodate them in our next update.
Thank you for your support.