このAzure Programmerについて
アプリはもっぱらプログラミングMARS Azureの3.3 ''とワットのモーター用に設計されています
This app is exclusively designed for programming MARS Azure 3.3'' and Watts motors, both of which are BLDC Motors. This app allows the user to change motor speed, rotation direction, delta T (if applicable) and other query functions by using a compatible smart phone.
To program a motor, you need to connect it to a programmer with dedicated programming cable, and then turn on the programmer and connect the motor to the AC power. Next, start the phone app and scan the Bluetooth device to connect, then select the motor type and click the connect button to connect to the motor. After connecting the phone to the motor successfully, you can start programming or querying the motor status.
The app consists of a programming and query interface, a scanning Bluetooth device and display interface, and an "about" interface. You can write/rewrite the operation parameters of the motor and query the running parameters with the help of this app. Moreover, the app has some user friendly features such as the prompt of successfully set parameters, input error and display of connection status.