このbaby heartbeat monitor : fetal heart rateについて
baby heartbeat monitor pro app allows uses your smart phone camera as a fetal heart rate monitor, save and share baby's heartbeat rate monitor .
This application has a fun and non-medical purpose. You can put the camera phone on the belly of the pregnant mother to see the pulse of the baby’s.
There’s nothing quite like hearing your child’s baby heartbeat monitor fluttering for the first time, right? Baby Heartbeat monitor is an app that allows mothers and fathers all over the world to see their baby’s heart rate monitor and share it with their loved ones. There are no additional accessories needed - just put your finger in camera and the app will start calculate your baby heartbeats.
There’s nothing quite like hearing your fetal heart rate fluttering for the first time, right? baby's heartbeat free is an app that allows mothers and fathers all over the world to record your baby’s heartbeat rate.
There are no fetal heart rate free additional accessories needed -This application baby heartbeat monitor has a fun and non-medical purpose.
This application baby heartbeat monitor does not work with the headset.
❤how baby heartbeat monitor free works:
❤The quality of sound depends on fetal heart rate monitor and baby heartbeat monitor.
❤ baby's heartbeat starts to be audible after approximately 30 weeks of gestation.
❤Lightly place the tip of your left hand index finger on the camera lens so it completely covers the lens and press START.
❤Hold until the measurement is complete. Hold your phone steady.
If your camera does not have flash, measure your heart rate in well-lit environment. If you are not getting any readings readjust the position of your finger. If your device does not have back facing camera but has front facing camera use the front facing camera.
Baby Heartbeat Monitor pro app allows the mother to connect with her unborn baby and enjoy a special moment with her little one from the pregnancy week 12 onward. Even more, baby heartbeat free app allows the father-to-be to participate in fetal Doppler free process of the baby’s development from the early stages of the pregnancy. What a great way for the future father to create a bond with his child! Better yet, how could you in a more touching and tangible way tell the grandparents-to-be that they are going to have a new fetal heart rate monitor grandchild than sending them the baby's heartbeat free screenshot by e-mail or as a Facebook message!
CAUTION: This application baby heartbeat monitor does not replace a real medical device and should no use for medical purposes. This application baby heartbeat monitor provides no indication or information on the health of your baby.
baby heartbeat monitor pro app is only a simulator which provide inaccurate calculation for your heart beat , this app is only for fun and entertainment