このBBC Guide to Your Catについて
BBC Guide to Your Cat
An owner’s guide to cats, offering expert advice on how to care for your cat alongside the latest scientific analysis, interactive features and plenty of fascinating case studies. This ebook comes from a unique scientific study carried out for a BBC Two television series where a top team of scientists delved into the secret life of the domestic cat. GPS trackers, cat-cams and infra-red technology were all deployed to see what they got up to beyond the cat flap.
An easy-to-use guide to understanding your cat.
Extraordinary video footage recorded of cats and by cats.
Expert advice and opinion on the latest scientific discoveries about domestic cats.
Interactive features helping you care for your cat.
A foreword by television presenter Liz Bonnin.
With full screen videos and high resolution imagery, this ebook offers a powerful insight into domestic cats and helps you to understand more about the lion in your lap