どのようにアプリケーションベストルーラーを使用するには?このツールの使い方は非常に簡単です:、画面上のオブジェクトを置く左上隅にそれを調整し、画面をタッチ - 今、あなたは長さと幅を読むことができます。ベストルーラーの別の利点は、目の設計と容易にインタフェースと喜ばれる。このユーティリティは、センチメートルとインチで非常に正確なスケールの2種類、ちょうど適切なオプションを選択しています。
Best Ruler is a very useful tool! Best Ruler installed on your smartphone might be very helpful tool, when you can't reach a traditional ruler. This applications allows to measure any object without the need for using professional measuring instruments!
How to use the application Best Ruler? The usage of this tool is quite simple: put an object on the screen, adjust it to the upper left corner and touch the screen – now you can read the length and width. Another advantage of Best Ruler is an easy interface and pleasing to the eye design. This utility has two kinds of very accurate scales in centimeters and inches, just select the appropriate option.
Best Ruler also has two display modes of lines (horizontal and vertical), and arrows on either side of the screen allows to appropriately adjusting the length of the ruler.
Don't hesitate and download Best Ruler tool, because you don't know when it can become useful!