このBlur Photo Effect Filterについて
Blur Photo Effect Filter
Blur Photo Editing Filter Effects on my Pics! Make it more powerful Selfie looks with blur effects.
Point to point blurring photo effects with easy steps.
Best DSLR focus effect with blur animate on my photos.
Unwanted part of your picture You can also blur the image.
Make your photo more attractive by blurring background.
User also have an option to select the brush size.
Zoom and unzoom DSLR focus effect.Blur image lets you selectively blur or un-blur the parts of your
pictures so that you can manually focus on the subject properly
Features & Steps:
?) Select Your Photo for Editing Effects And Background
?) Choose from Selfi Camera or Gallery.
?) Crop your photo.
?) Set favorite color into your pic.
?) Erase your background by eraser.
?) Can set your original background as well.
?) Blur Your Photo of specific point.
?) Have brush for eraser, colors etc.
?) Save your photo into sd card.
?) Share your Effect of Photo and blur Pic to social networks like whatsapp, twitter, facebook, instagram, skype, gmail, xender etc.
?) Offline Photo blur editor.