このBrony MLP Blind Bag Guideについて
Application that can help identify ponies in Blind Bags (no internet needed)
You can now mark your progress (checkboxes)
This app does not require internet or Flash-player.
All known waves are included, with images.
Now also with collection sets!
OPEN SOURCE: https://github.com/frankkienl/BronyMLPBlindBagGuide
This application is made by FrankkieNL, Fluffikens and MLPMerch.com.
The original (flash) application is made by Jaroslav Vozar.
Images by:
MLPMerch.com, Elwyn, Breyer600, collec-jcg and StrawberryReef.
This software is for informational purposes only. and is intended to assist the pony collecting community.
Some images in this software are property of Hasbro and have been borrowed for non-profit use.
This software is not affiliated with Hasbro, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc.
All rights reserved worldwide.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyrighted by Hasbro.