SMC ERPアプリケーションは、CGCのニーズに応えるために開発された、ラクナウ
City Group of Colleges, Lucknow introduces its SMART ERP app CGC-LKO for all stake holders of City Group of Colleges, Lucknow. SMART ERP includes the power of big data to allow intuitive and intelligent decision making in addition to the data collection of a traditional ERP software.
The stakeholders addressed by CGC-LKO includes:
• Students
• Lecturers and Professors
• College Management and Administration
CGC-LKO includes the following core functions:
• Attendance
• Notice Board
o All notices will reach all stakeholders instantly through CGC-LKO app and/or standard messaging if preferred.
• 2-way Communication between the students and management
• Learning Resources Portal
o College lecturers and professors will be able to upload academic documents for 24/7 student access
o Students can learn and even take assessments as and when provided by College in the Learning Resources Portal
• Academic Records Center
o Students can have access to their academic records at all times
o Students will have a better understanding of what is happening