このCheckin manager for Meetup.comについて
Checkin manager for meetup.com is a tool to help organisers of Meetup.com events manage attendee status. Quickly and easily check attendees in as they arrive! It’s also handy to put names to faces.
The data is feed back to meetup.com where you can view the data with your other meetup group data.
You must be authorised to edit RVSP’s to update attendee status, i.e be a event manager, co-organiser or organisers. You have to be RVSP’d yes to an event on order to mark the attendance.
This is very much a alpha version and very keen to hear feedback on changes or other features that would make your life as meetup organiser easier [email protected]
Created mainly for the meetup.com group I help run SWMobile - http://www.meetup.com/swmobile but figured it could be helpful to other organisers.
* Login with Meetup.com
* View your past/futures events
* Update member attendee status: check in or no show
* Data sync'd with Meetup.com
Uses the great Meetup.com API, but in no way associated with Meetup.com