- New app icon
- New navigation system
- Changed from OneUI to CleanUI
- Removed features in settings
- Optimized performance
お使いのデバイスとの互換性の問題やバグにより、Clok の最新バージョンに問題がある場合、アプリ開発者が問題を修正する前に、古いバージョンをダウンロードすることが実用的な解決策となる場合があります。APKPure は、さまざまなデバイスや Android システムと互換性のある Clok のすべての古いバージョンを提供します。Android 用の Clok の以前のバージョンをダウンロードしてください。APKPure からのすべてのダウンロードはウイルスフリーであり、必要なアプリのバージョン履歴を迅速かつ安全に取得する方法を提供します。
- New app icon
- New navigation system
- Changed from OneUI to CleanUI
- Removed features in settings
- Optimized performance
- Added navigation animations.
- Improved UI/UX.
- Improved lap accuracy & performance.
- Added LargeTopAppBar with animations.
- Added a feature for indicating shortest and longest lap time.
- Added Splash Screen.
- Optimized lap and added scroll effect when lapping.
- Added rail navigation in landscape mode.
- Multi-language support (for vietnamese).
- User can now change theme in the settings.
- Changed from Material Design 2 to Material Design 3.
- Added navigation animations.
- Added Dynamic Color feature which is also the new default settings (available for android 12 and up).
- Improved UI/UX.
- The start button for Stopwatch will now be stationary.
- Improved lap accuracy & performance.
- Added LargeTopAppBar with animations.
- Added a feature for indicating shortest and longest lap time.
- Added Splash Screen.
- Optimized lap and added scroll effect when lapping.
- Changed from Material Design 2 to Material Design 3.
- Added Dynamic Color feature which is also the new default settings (available for android 12 and up).
- Improved UI/UX.
- The start button for Stopwatch will now be stationary.
- Improved lap accuracy.
- Added LargeTopAppBar with animations.
- Added a feature for indicating shortest and longest lap time.
- Improved performance.
- Added Splash Screen.
- Optimized lap and added scroll effect when lapping.
- Changed from Material Design 2 to Material Design 3.
- Added Dynamic Color feature which is also the new default settings (available for android 12 and up).
- Improved UI/UX.
- The start button for Stopwatch will now be stationary.
- Improved lap accuracy.
- Added LargeTopAppBar with animations.
- Added a feature for indicating shortest and longest lap time.
- Improved performance.
- Added Splash Screen.
- Optimized lap and added scroll effect when lapping.
- Changed from Material Design 2 to Material Design 3.
- Added Dynamic Color feature which is also the new default settings (available for android 12 and up).
- Improved UI/UX.
- Replaced Cyan color style with Dynamic Color style.
- The start button for Stopwatch will now be stationary.
- Improved lap accuracy.
- Added LargeTopAppBar with animations.
- Added a feature for indicating shortest and longest lap time.
- Improved performance.
- Changed from Material Design 2 to Material Design 3.
- Added Dynamic Color feature which is also the new default settings (available for android 12 and up).
- Improved UI/UX.
- Removed version section in settings.
- Added Privacy Policy.
- Pressing on the Timer's time would not pause or start the timer anymore.
- Replaced Cyan color style with Dynamic Color style.
- The start button for Stopwatch will now be stationary.
- Improved lap accuracy.
- Added LargeTopAppBar with animations.
🔥 Changes 🔥
🍨 Timer and Stopwatch now support up to 99 hours
🍨 New feature background effect "Snow" added for both Timer and Stopwatch.
🍨 Improved icons to be more rounded.
🍨 Added animations to buttons.
🍨 Lap column and timer scroll time are aligned better.
🍨 New feature font style "Inner stroke" added for both Timer and Stopwatch.
🍨 Local data base is improved, but might cause crashes. Please reinstall the application if it does.
🔥 Allows for notification to show the correct activity when pressed.
🔥 Notifications now support android version 13.
🔥 App size is reduced.
🔥 Fixed initial lap time bug.
🔥 Added lap time preview.
🔥 Stopwatch and timer now have auto save.
🔥 some options in settings are removed.
🔥 The Timer’s time is clickable and can be used like the start/pause button.
🥳 Initial launch! 🥳
🔥 Stopwatch
🔥 Timer
🔥 Settings
🔥 Bug report
🔥 Landscape & portrait support
🔥 Save time data
🔥 Animations
🔥 Lap
🔥 Notification reminder (only with Active use / app is display on screen)
🔥 Haptic Feedback
🔥 RGB style
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