このcloud4mobile - Samsung Serviceについて
Service used to manage Samsung devices with the cloud4mobile MDM agent.
Use the cloud4mobile Samsung Service to extend the functionalities offered by the cloud4mobile MDM agent.
With this service, the following functionalities will be available in the cloud4mobile MDM agent:
* Remote installation and unninstallation of apps, without user intervention.
* Locking of application Execution, installation and unninstallation.
* Control access to device features, such as harware keys, status bar, task manager and more.
* Control access to networks (WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, ...)
* Security policies. It is possible to prevent use of functions such as: turning the phone off, access to security mode and air-plane mode, OTA updates, screenshots, recordings, camera, etc.
* This service is only compatible with Samsung devices running Android 4.2 or greater.
* This service only works together with cloud4mobile MDM agent. To install this agent visit https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.mobiltec.cloud4mobile.android.agent.app
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