このColorful Surah Saffat with English Translationについて
As-Saffat (Arabic: الصافات, "Ranged in Row, The Rangers") is the 37th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur'an with 182 verses (āyāt).
Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier "Meccan / Makki surah", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca (Makkah), instead of later in Madina.
According to Egyptian chronology, it was the 56th sura to be revealed to Muhammad (PBUH). Theodor Nöldeke presents a different classification putting it in the 50th position and most precisely revealed in the second Meccan period. That period is marked by increasing opposition of the Quraysh tribe against Muhammad (S.A.W) and his followers and is distinguished by its focus on divine intervention and inspiration and also previous religious prophets. Although named Surat Al-Saffat, the general theme of Sura 37 is the unity of God and His power to greatly reward and punish. We see in this Sorah (Sorat) elaborations on the punishment of disbelievers and rewards of believers in the Day of Judgment but also God's examples of how a true believer should be through enumerations of biblical figures. One aspect of the Sura which can be relevant to the title (Ranged in Row, the rangers) is that it is threatening the people who attribute offspring to God, especially the pagans who believed that the angels were the daughters of God. “The rangers” or “Ranged in Row” refers to the angel who will be lining up on the Day of Judgment and refuting the idea of them being daughters of God (see al-Qur'an 37:1-5).
من التطبيقات التي فيها القرآن الكريم تطبيق سورة الصافات
سورة الصافات تطبيق باربعة ازرار كما ويمكنك التحكم بالصوت
ادا كنت تبحث غن تطبيق لحفظ سورة ما فمثل هدا التطبيق سورة الصافات
هو الانسب لك
تطبيق سورة الصافات من السور الطويلة في القرآن
سورة الصافات مجودة ومرتلة
تطبيق سورة الصافات تطبيق باصوات عديدة لقراء مشهورين ومعروفين
ادا اعجبك التطبيق فلا تنسى المشاركة والنجوم وشكرا
The reward for reciting this Surat is ten times the total number of Jinn and Shayateen that exist. The reciter of this Surah is protected from Shaitan and is safe from falling into disbelief and Shirk. His angels who record his deeds will testify for him on the Day of Judgement that he was from among those who believed in the Prophets of Allah (S.w.T.).
It is narrated from Imam Jafar as Sadiq (a.s.) that reciting Surat as-Saffaat on every Friday keeps one safe from all types of calamities. His sustenance will increase and his life, wealth and children will be protected from the evil designs of Shaitan and the tyrant rulers of the time. If one dies soon after reciting this Surah, he will die the death of a martyr; he will be raised on the Day of Judgement together with the martyrs and will enter Jannah with them.
Reward of reciting Surah Saffat:
1. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: One who recites Saffat every Friday would remain safe from every calamity, every trouble would remain away from him in his worldly life, there would be increase in his livelihood and he would not receive any harm for himself, his property and his children from any powerful enemy or the accursed Satan. If he dies the same day or the same night he would die as a martyr, Allah would raise him as a martyr (i.e. on the Day of Judgment he would be raised like martyrs) or give him the death of a martyr; and he would be admitted into Paradise in the high position
of Martyrs.
2. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: For one who recites it, Allah gives ten rewards equal to the number of all Jinns and Satans and keeps away from him the evil of Satans and absolves him from polytheism and his two guarding angels will testify for him on the Day of Judgment that he had faith in the messengers.