このCosmo Snakeについて
The new version of Snake is available for download! Get it on your smartphone or tablet and get crazy
with superb graphics and a whopping multitude of new features that you won't find in previous
The new Cosmo Snake offers three playing modes.
First off, there's the Infinity mode. The game can be played without end, and you can jump from level to
level totally at will.
The Campaign mode is for those who seek no easy ways. Things are more straight-laced here: advancing
to the next level and score recording is only possible after the current level is successfully completed
within the time limit, while all obstacles are fixed in place.
Finally, the yummiest part is the Map Editor you can use to make custom levels. Create a virtual world of
your own and set unique score records in it!
Slither on, ye apple-munching champions and saviors of yer own tail from yer own head!