このDark Themed 2D Pack for Unity Asset Storeについて
ダークテーマ2Dパック+ GUI / HUD(PSD /アニメーション/ VFX)
This pack will be perfect for almost any 2D game with a dark sauce. Preparing your game for Halloween? You will find all you need inside this pack! Creating 2D platformer or need game elements for a prototype than you are in the right place, this pack offers a great variety of different 2D game elements, the list what is inside you can read below.
!Please Note We reduced original file sizes and quality to reduce APK build Size
A hand-painted set of the dark-themed 2D world.
Pack contains:
• sprites sorted into Sprite Sheets + PSD file
• particle systems
• animated characters
• demo scenes
• video preview
• APK preview
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