このDigiDex - Digimon Masters Online Guideについて
DigiDex is the most complete unofficial application of its kind for GDMO
DigiDex is the most complete unofficial application of its kind for Digimon Masters Online (GDMO).
Be a digimon tamer with a high degree of knowledge and experience, DigiDex will help you with the necessary information for this. In this application the information of 105 evolutionary lines to date is available (we are adding more lines daily), showing its evolutions, elements, the maximum power that each creature can reach, in addition to the name, element, AT, GP and other necessary information.
Application features:
- Push Notification: Now you receive a notification directly on your device about the Boss you created in the alerts area
List with 105 evolutionary lines
List of all Tamers available so far
List of evolutions
List of attacks
Attack characteristics (Type, MIN, MAX, CD and DS)
Favorite system
Raid Boss List
All this information is in your pocket! You don't need an internet connection.
DigiDex aims to access important game data information, making it easy for players to search for simple and necessary information such as a list of digimon, evolutions and attacks. Thus providing greater knowledge and experience.