Do you tell the difference between dog excitement and fear, or between aggression and the need to play? Do you understand when dog tries to tell you he’s stressed, or submissive, or ready for fun-time? Dogs and humans have spent thousands of years living side by side, and we can instinctively recognise most of each other's moods from body language, facial expressions and vocalisation. Dogs are very expressive animals. They communicate when they’re feeling happy, sad, nervous, fearful and angry, and they use their faces and bodies to convey much of this information. Dog body language is an elaborate and sophisticated system of nonverbal communication that, fortunately, we can learn to recognize and interpret. For example, fear drives dogs to seek safety, while the positive feelings generated by contact, grooming and stroking encourage the formation of close relationships with other sociable dogs, animals and people. Dog Body Language Tutorial teach you everything you need to know about how your dog communicates, so you can not only avoid bites, but share in a more satisfying, healthy, and loving relationship. No matter the breed of your dog, be it a Boxer, Rottweiler, Bulldog, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Yorkshire, any kind of Terrier, Jack Russell, Greyhound, American Staffordshire, Pit Bull, Beagle, Chihuahua, Poodle, Chow Chow, Collie, Dalmatian, Bulldog, Doberman, Great Dane, Husky, Bloodhound, Setter, or without race. This app helps you understand why whether you have a happy dog or angry dog or a sad dog based on their body language. Once you learn how to “read” a dog’s postures and signals, you’ll better understand his feelings and motivations and be better able to predict what he’s likely to do. These skills will enable you to interact with dogs with greater enjoyment and safety. This app includes Basic Dog Body Language, Understand Dog Language, Dog Play Bow, Dog Growling, Dog Lip Lick, Dog Whale Eye, Dog Wagging Tail and more. Best Way to understand your dogs and pets. It's free download. You can learn how to talk to your dog now!