Eduplus; Career Assessment system
In most societies, particularly the 3rd world countries, at the time of choosing the career path(s), the children are vulnerable and the parents/guardians lord career paths on them. Oblivious of the fact that they played a minor role in defining their tomorrow, the parents still place high hope and expectations on these wards/children in the “forced” career paths. Researches had shown that the trepidation of not matching up with the parental expectations by some children had birthed tragic cases.
It is pertinent to know that the polemic between the children’s inner strength and the parents’ career imposition most often have negative effect on the human capital development of the concerned children.
In a bid to help the parents/guardians bring out the best in the career development of their children, as well as propelling the children’s inner strength to actualize their dreams, EDUPLUS SYSTEM intervention is required. Eduplus system is an online educative software that not only guide the young minds, but also set some basic tools for them to effectively determine their areas of core competence.