このEMD Cargoについて
Cargo refers to goods or produce carried in a truck, van,airplane,train,or ship.
Cargo refers to goods or produce carried in a truck, van, airplane, train, or ship. We can transport cargo by land, sea, or air. The word freight has the same meaning. In this context, ‘produce‘ means things that have been made or grown, especially things connected with agriculture. For example, if the cargo is dairy produce, it could be cheese, yogurt, milk, cream, or butter.
We can also refer to livestock during transport, such as cattle, pigs, or chicken as cargo. When we transport humans, however, we refer to them as passengers or crew.
BusinessDictionary.com has the following definition of the term:
“All articles, goods, materials, merchandise, or wares carried onboard an aircraft, ship, train, or truck, and for which an air waybill, or bill of lading, or other receipt is issued by the carrier.