このEnglish - Bangla Grammarについて
英語 - バングラ文法のApp。 ইংরেজিগ্রামার英語 - バングラ文法
If you are looking for English Bengali Grammar or English grammar in Bengali or Bengali English grammar or English course in Bengali or grammar in bangla so you are in a right place. So grammar is the key tool to learn and speak proper english language without any mistakes. The best part of "English Grammar in Bengali" is that, it is specially designed for Bangla Speaking People.
This English Bengali grammar app will provide you English grammar lessons in bangla language for bengali people. Grammar is the basic learning of any language. You can't make a single sentences, if you don't know grammar rules.
ইংরেজি গ্রামার (English-Bangla) is a language learning application that provides a complete basic idea of grammatical elements of English. The topics of the grammar are thoroughly listed in the app where you can easily find your desired topic. Basically this app provides you with a complete grammar book.