このEnglish Idiom Emojiについて
Do you want to improve your knowledge of English idioms and phrases but are looking for something new?
Try “English Idiom Emoji” This game combines the simple concept of learning English with brilliant fun. Download “English Idiom Emoji” for free!
“English Idiom Emoji” is available for free download on Google Play Store. This game will creatively and uniquely test your brain as you use logic to discover the answers of the quiz questions.
You will be presented a screen display containing pictures. Add, remove or replace letters from the pictures to form idioms adopted from today’s popular English idioms and phrases. You will find the quizzes divided among five levels. Solve all 100 English idioms and phrases! “English Idiom Emoji” will keep you and your family entertained for hours!
Correctly guess the idioms and phrases, expand your vocabulary while having fun in your spare time!
Why you should download this free “English Idiom Emoji” game:
- Learn 100 popular English idioms and phrases with their meaning
- Simple yet brilliant fun way to learn English idioms and phrases
- Learn English idioms and phrases visually
- Construct English idioms and phrases by combining English words
- Enhance your English vocabulary
- Make learning English exciting
- Ideal for non -English speaking people
- Embellish your English conversation with English idioms and phrases
- Free Download on Google Play Store
Having trouble guessing the idioms and phrases?
Use the available features to reveal the idioms and phrases:
You will not be learning English grammar from a British Council course or answering ordinary trivia questions. “English Idiom Emoji” is different from other fun quizzes. This quiz game will help you to learn, review, and refresh your knowledge of English idioms and phrases.
Use logic to learn English idioms!
Practice makes perfect!
Download for free on Google Play Store!