このFace Projector Simulatorについて
Face Projector Simulation will allow you to project a picture or a photo on any surface.
->Face Projector Simulator Prank will allow user to take a picture from Gallery and camera and project it on any surface so you will get a feeling that whole world is looking at your picture.
->This application, Face Projector Simulator Fun can also be used as a prank with friends to show that your mobile works as a projector.
->The simulator simulates the operation of a video projector using a flash phone
->Real Projection of Your Photo.
->3D Hologram Maker
->Surprise Your friends and family Members.
->View a face On different places like tables,walls and sky and Buildings.
->Mind blowing Visual effects.
->See the face projection of Loved one.
->excellent entertainment using this app.
->If you like this app than don’t forget to give Rate & Review Also for further update…
Thank You…
Note: Face Projector Simulator or 3D Hologram Prank is only for fun. The Face Projector is not real and does not project any face.