このFace Replaceについて
Create your photo by face replace make different styles on your
face.This is an complete entertainment and for fun.
***Yeh !!! Face replace is available for android ***
Face replace is our legendary
app.It creates your photo to be great and awesome.This is the best
free application with face photo frames for women,men and kids,with a
simple interface and easy to use.It will create wonderful face change
with high definition.
Face replace combines your faces with other
photos to make unique and hilarious creations Take new photos or mix
and match your own from Facebook.Share your best faces with your
This is great app for having fun with photos.You can place
your face on varieties of frames from different categories such as-
babies ,fun ,traditional,gangster,uniforms,strong and beauty,art,
fashion and glamour.
-choose photo from camera or gallery
-edit image size for better visual effects.
-place your face behind selected frame.
-adjust photo size,orientation,color
and brightness with built in tools.
-change frames instantly.
-no internet connection is require.
-can directly set as wallpaper from the application.
-Fast -you are just 5 seconds from a perfect result.
share it with friends:post it to Facebook,LinkedIn,tweet or send email.