Fan.Club - Exclusive content for superfans
このFan.Club - Exclusive content for superfansについて
Fan.Club is delighted to present you a novel way to engage with your favourite brand; aggregating the most recent content across countless different sources into one app, and offering it in a digestible, privacy-focused format.
Never ever miss out on any updates! Fan.Club's feed includes your favourite brand's most recent content from all popular digital channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter accounts, and the official website.
We do the heavy lifting so that you do not have to jump from one app to another in order to consume the most recent content.
Privacy-focused content consumption: Your personal information is yours: Unlike other applications, we do not collect any personally identifiable data when you are engaging with your brand and its content.
Gain access to exclusive wallpapers: Fan.Club also includes numerous exclusive wallpapers which are hand-picked by your favourite brand. You can either automatically change the wallpaper or manually select one from the wallpaper gallery.
Live updates at every unlock: If you do not want to miss out on any updates, there is a button for that! Simply turn on "See the news at screen unlock" and the most recent updates will automatically be presented to you as soon as your screen is unlocked.
Custom favourite links and search on your home screen: Fan.Club comes with very useful widget which includes a search bar and recommended (sometimes even secret!) links from your brand.
Widget is completely customisable. Feel free to use your preferred search engine and favourite links.
最新バージョン 1.9.0 の更新情報
Fan.Club - Exclusive content for superfans APK 情報
Fan.Club - Exclusive content for superfansの旧バージョン
Fan.Club - Exclusive content for superfans 1.9.0
Android で XAPK/APK ファイルをワンクリックでインストール!