FartPhone - あなたの究極のおならマシン!
This isn't another ordinary app, this is ultimate app changing your phone into perpetum farting machine! Move to trash all other apps: maps, calendar, messangers and all other sh... stuff - you don't need it anymore!
All you need is FartPhone! With our small smelly app you will become social ninja, boss of every party :)
FartPhone not only farts but also:
- send farts to your friends in special camouflage, so they open link and play it loud in front of audience
- gives you farting piano, so you can compose another Farting Symphony
- gives you Fart Timer, so you can leave your phone near somebody, move away and observe how she/he is getting embarrassed by loud fart!
- many more to come, we are counting on your positive feedback!
P.S. And if you are experiencing reall fart problems - download FartPhone and blame farts for it!