このCatch the pictureについて
スピードゲーム - チャレンジゲーム - グーグルstore.Dowloadで新しいゲームを体験します
Do you want to look for a speed game or a challenge game when you are free time ? Download "Catch the picture" to get everything. An unprecedented game on the google store.
* Rule:
- There are 30 level in "Catch the picture" game.
Each level has got a motion picture ,a requirment question and a satic picture ( correct picture).
-Your mission click the motion picture to catch a frame . Which same to correct picture and requirment of question.
- You will get 50 "click" free to play game. You should use the most effective "click" times to pass many level.
- You can get "click" bonus in "Get Click" or buy "click" in shopping.
- Bonus 30 coint when you catch correctly frame. Coint can exchage click in "Get Click".
Best game for everyone! Goodluck.