このFastShare: Send Appsについて
The "FastShare: Apk Sharer" allows you to send any application installed on your device to any other device by selecting the application(s) to share with friends then click the share button then it will appear two options for you, choose the option that suits you best (either share the application or share Play store link).
The " FastShare: Apk Sharer " application allows you to send and share applications in different ways including Facebook Messenger, Message, Email, Bluetooth, WhatsApp, ..Etc.
You can also quickly search for applications you want to send by simply typing the name of the application on the search engine.
Additional features for " FastShare: Apk Sharer " include:
- Uses Cache Memory technology to faster performance.
- Includes app tutorial to guide you through choose, send, and share apps with friends.
- Allows you to send apps quickly using Bluetooth "No Internet Need".
-Before you start sharing application through the Dropbox you need to make sure that you have a Dropbox installed on your device.
-You have to make sure that you have the right to re - send and share any application before start sharing.