このFIGO 2015について
バンクーバーのXXI FIGO世界大会の公式モバイルアプリ。
The official mobile app for the XXI FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Vancouver from October 4-9 2015.
The FIGO World Congress is built around science and its advancement, and addresses the many issues that affect women’s health world‐wide. The congress will include plenary sessions, keynote lectures, seminars and pre congress courses. Young scientists will present their work. The scientific and industrial exhibits will present the latest information and provide attendees with insight into the ongoing changes in obstetrics and gynecology.
Install the FIGO 2015 interactive mobile application on your device to:
- View the programme including an overview of exhibitors, sessions, speakers and services
- Create your own programme for the Congress and bookmark the sessions you wish to attend
- Find exhibitors and sponsors
- Automatically receive updates and the daily e-newsletter
FIGO, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Women, Female, Medicine, Vancouver, Bayer