このFirefox (Android TV)について
Find movies and TV shows from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango in Firefox Android TV
Firefox (Android TV) allows you to search and stream hot movies, TV shows and music on Android TV.
How to install Firefox on Android TV?
Step 1: Download APKPure APP to install APKs and XAPKs directly on your Android phone.
Step 2: Search Firefox (Android TV) on APKPure.
Step 3: Go to Firefox (Android TV) app page.
Step 4: Click on Download button to start downloading the latest version of Firefox (Android TV).
Step 5: If you are looking for a specific version, scroll down to see all of the available APKs.
Step 6: Click on the version you need to start downloading process.
Step 7: APKPure APP will help you install the Firefox (Android TV) APK file on your phone directly.
How to use Firefox (Android TV)?
After you launch the app, you will find Youtube, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and other streaming channels and movie rating sites in the first row. Click any source to search for movies, TV series or music you like and start enjoying the videos right away.