このFlashlight LED Color Changerについて
Flashlight LED Color Changer.
Have you ever attempted to utilize your telephone's screen or LED as a guide of light, just to think that its simply not sufficiently brilliant? Transform your telephone into an adaptable light with Color light application, the application that lights up your telephone's day and leads the way. Never be gotten oblivious without a light again.
Flashlight color changer transforms your telephone into a beautiful light. It uses telephone's screen shine and camera blaze to create brightest impact ever.
☆ Turn on/off electric lamp.
★ Select shade of your own decision utilizing propelled shading picker apparatus
☆ "Recovery our spirit" "spare our boat" SOS signal
★ Police lights with variable squint pace
☆ Color screen brilliance
★ Cool startup sound
☆ Cool impacts
★ Maximum brilliance
☆ Emergency light
★ Disco light
☆ Rainbow shading impacts
★ Blink light
☆ Dancing lights
★ Small application size
☆ Completely allowed to utilize
★ Interesting application for all ages
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