このFlashLight - Super Bright FlashLightについて
FlashLight’s sleek interface has made it an intensely popular option when it comes to free flashlight applications for your Android phone. It has a strobe light feature and is compatible with Android 5.0 Lollipop.
This simple and straightforward app can also use your home screen and LED flash to produce a flashlight of any color you choose.
🌟One tap to activate
Main function:
🔦The brightest flashlight: More powerful than normal flashlight
🔦A handy multi-functional flashlight: It could be a powerful torch, a reading lamp, a bicycle front headlight, a spotlight for home party and even a SOS torch for emergency and position tracking.
🔦A constant light: The flashlight would be constantly working even if you have to open another app in your device.
🔦A reliable: The police light and dangerous sign light could be a reliable hand to help you in emergency.
🔦Low battery consumption: A simulated torch at interface will be switched on and off with the flashlight state changing, it could prevent forgetting switching off the flashlight when unnecessary and save the energy of the battery.
Wish enjoy when using this app!