このFood Expiry Dateについて
Keep track of food expiry dates!
How many times have you thrown away expired food? Well ...
Too many times we forget about that packet of salad or that carton of milk. Nowadays it is extremely important to protect the planet, as well as to avoid food waste that ends up filling up landfills, while half the world dies of hunger.
Do the right thing: download this app!
No More Waste allows you to keep track of the food you have at home and to be warned when something is going to expire, so to consume it on time!
Key features:
• Manage your food!
• Classify by stockage (refrigerator, freezer, pantry ...)!
• Scan barcode to speed up the process!
• Personalize the product thumbnail!
• Receive personalized notifications before the expiration date!
• Customize storage names and measurement units!
• Register to the app and manage the database on multiple devices!