このFrutella Juices| عصائر فروتيلاについて
Wherever you go, the look is the same, but the taste is different with us
Frutella is the leader in the field of natural juices. Wherever you go, the look is the same, but the taste is different with us. Download the application, view a variety of juices, and order directly from the application.
Application features:
Unparalleled variety: Discover a variety of natural juices, cocktails, and fruit salads that suit all your occasions.
Direct and easy orders: Choose from ice boxes, mocktails, frozen drinks, and ice cream, and order them directly from the app.
Icebox: Choose from a variety of iceboxes, such as large and small family iceboxes, or iceboxes with unique ingredients like coconut and fruit pieces.
Delicious Cocktails: Enjoy a wide range of cocktails such as “Avocado and Strawberry”, “Jamaica Cocktail”, “Havana Cocktail”, and many more.
Natural and healthy juices: Enjoy natural juices such as carrot, kiwi, watermelon, and pineapple without any additives.
Various fruit salads: Try the Lotus salad, Kinder salad, and Havana salad with sour cream, cream, and honey.
Special waffles and crepes: Try a selection of waffles and crepes stuffed with Nutella, fruits, and nuts.
Download the Frutella application now for a unique experience in the world of juices and cocktails!