このGamerGate High Hurdlesについて
ハードルジャンプ - ユーモアのセンスを持つアーケードスポーツ(陸上と思います)。
GamerGate High Hurdles is an arcade sports title, a bit like the games of yore like Track and Field and Daley Thompson's Decathlon. It has its tongue firmly planted in cheek.
In this, our second game set in the GamerGate universe, you run along a track, jumping over gates as you go, in the fastest time possible. There are three courses to choose from: short, normal and long.
Select one of three persons who cover a range of different styles, gender identifications, belief systems, personal pronouns, colours, shapes and mobility issues. They are all equally abled because we believe in equality between all of the multiple gender identifications, myriad races and infinite gender preferences.
Please enjoy your time with GamerGate High Hurdles and remember.. do no harm.
This game is completely free and has only very light advertising - with none at all during game play. There are no interstitial adverts or in-app purchases.